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* Program reg.test
* To test the polynomial fitting subroutine 'reg'.
character fnamein , fnameout , pname
integer run
real x(15),y(15),a(11)
print,"Enter input data file name"
print,"Output file name"
* *** Read the run number and problem name
read(1,1) run , pname
1 format(i2,a16)
* *** Read the number of data points and degree of
* *** polynomial to be fitted.
read(1,2) n , m
2 format(2i3)
* *** Read list of dependent and independent variables.
read(1,3) (x(i),y(i),i=1,n)
3 format(2f10.4)
call reg(pname,n,m,run,x,y,a,2,fnameout)
subroutine reg (pr , n , m , nplot , x , y , a , lfn , fname)
* Purpose - To perform polynomial regression
* Usage -
* call reg (pr,pri,n,m,nplot,x,y,a,lfn,fname)
* Arguments -
* pr......Alphanumeric problem name.
* n.......Number of observations.
* m.......Highest degree polynomial specified.
* If best fit polynomial is of degree
* less than m, m will be reset to
* degree of best fit polynomial.
* nplot...Option code for production of printer
* plots of regression results.
* 0 if plot not desired.
* 1 if plot desired.
* x.......vector of independent variables.
* y.......vector of dependent variables.
* a.......vector of regression coefficients.
* There will be m + 1 entries in a .
* lfn.....Logical unit number for output file.
* fname...Output file name
* Subroutines required - pplot , orthls , coeffs , fity
* Remarks -
* (1) The largest degree polynomial which may be fitted is 9.
* (2) The number of data points must be greater than the
* largest degree polynomial fitted.
* (3) A maximum of 50 observations is assumed.
character pr , fname
real x(n) , y(n) , a(11)
real w(50) , t1(50) , t2(50) , t3(50) , plt (150) , z(50)
real c(10) , alpha(10) , beta(10) , b(10)
3 format("1Polynomial Regression.....",a16/)
4 format(" Number of Observations",i6//)
5 format(" Polynomial Regression of Degree",i3/1x,
& "***********************************"/)
6 format(" Coefficients"/3(1x,4e15.5/))
8 format("0"," --- Analysis of Variance ---"/)
9 format(" ",5x,"Source",8x,"DF",8x,"SS",11x,"MS",12x,"F"/)
10 format(" ",2x,"Regression...",i6,3f13.3)
11 format(3x,"Error........",i6,2f13.3)
12 format(3x,"Total........",i6,f13.3/)
13 format(" No Improvement")
14 format(" "//27x,"Table of Residuals"//" Obs. No.",5x,
& "X Value",6x,"Y Value",4x,"Y Estimate",4x,
& "Residual"/)
15 format(1x,i6,4f13.4)
16 format(" ",11x,"Improvement in SS",f16.3///)
* *** Print problem name and no. of obs., check order
write(lfn,3) pr
write(lfn,4) n
if (m .gt. 9) m = 9
* *** Find mean and total sum of squares for dependent variable
ybar = 0.0
ssat = 0.0
do 100 i = 1 , n
ybar = ybar + y(i)
ssat = ssat + y(i) * y(i)
100 continue
fn = n
ybar = ybar / fn
ssat = ssat - fn * ybar * ybar
nt = n - 1
* *** Generate orthogonal polynomials and coefficients
call orthls(x,y,w,n,0,0,c,alpha,beta,m,m+1,t1,t2,t3,nd1)
* *** Check fit for successive degrees, and find sum of squares
* attributable to error. Compute -
* ssar - S of S attributable to regression
* smar - Mean square for regression
* smae - Mean square for error
* fval - F-Ratio
* sumip - Improvement in SS
* nr - D of F for regression
* ne - D of F for error
* nt - D of F Total
sum = 0.0
do 200 k = 1 , m
k1 = k
call fity(x,n,0,c,alpha,beta,k,k+1,plt,t1,t2,iend3)
ssae = 0.0
do 120 i = 1 , n
temp = y(i) - plt(i)
ssae = ssae + temp * temp
120 continue
nr = k
ne = nt - nr
ssar = ssat - ssae
smar = ssar / float(nr)
smae = ssae / float(ne)
fval = smar / smae
sumip = ssar - sum
sum = ssar
write(lfn,5) k
if (sumip) 140 , 140 , 150
140 write(lfn,13)
go to 210
150 call coefs(0,c,alpha,beta,k,k+1,a,t1,t2,t3,ind2)
k2 = k + 1
write(lfn,6) (a(l),l=1,k2)
write(lfn,10) nr , ssar , smar , fval
write(lfn,11) ne , ssae , smae
write(lfn,12) nt , ssat
write(lfn,16) sumip
200 continue
* *** Plot or not
210 if (nplot) 400 , 400 , 220
220 call fity(x,n,0,c,alpha,beta,k2-1,k2,z,t1,t2,iend3)
do 230 i = 1 , n
plt(i) = x(i)
i1 = n + i
plt(i1) = y(i)
i1 = i1 + n
plt(i1) = z(i)
230 continue
* *** Print table of residuals
write(lfn,3) pr
k = k2 - 1
write(lfn,5) k
do 250 i = 1 , n
resid = y(i) - z(i)
write(lfn,15) i,x(i),y(i),z(i),resid
250 continue
call pplot(nplot,plt,n,3,3*n,n,1,68,lfn)
400 m = k
subroutine orthls (x,y,w,n,l,j,c,alpha,beta,k,k1,t1,t2,t3,ind1)
* This subroutine computes the coefficients of the polynomial
* equation of degree k and the alpha and beta parameters.
real x(n),y(n),w(n),c(k1),alpha(k1),beta(k1),t1(n),t2(n),t3(n)
* Program initialization.
kj1 = k - j + 1
if (kj1 .le. 0) go to 16
sum = 0.0
if (l .eq. 1) go to 3
do 2 i = 1 , n
t3(i) = x(i)
if (j .gt. 0) go to 1
sum = sum + 1.0
go to 2
1 sum = sum + x(i)**(2*j)
2 w(i) = 1.0
go to 7
3 do 6 i = 1 , n
t3(i) = x(i)
if (j .gt. 0) go to 4
sum = sum + w(i)
go to 5
4 sum = sum + w(i) * x(i)**(2*j)
5 x(i) = w(i) * x(i)
y(i) = w(i) * y(i)
6 continue
7 b = 0.0
r0 = sum
do 9 i = 1 , n
if (j .gt. 0) go to 8
t2(i) = 1.0
go to 9
8 t2(i) = t3(i)**j
9 t1(i) = 0.0
* Begin computation.
ii = 1
10 s = 0.0
do 11 i = 1 , n
11 s = s + y(i)*t2(i)
* Computation of a coefficient in the polynomial equation.
c(ii) = s / r0
if (ii .ge. kj1) go to 15
* Computation of an alpha for the polynomial equation.
sumxps = 0.0
do 12 i = 1 , n
12 sumxps = sumxps + x(i) * t2(i) * t2(i)
alpha(ii) = sumxps / r0
* Computation of a new polynomial.
do 13 i = 1 , n
temp = t2(i)
t2(i) = (t3(i) - alpha(ii)) * t2(i) - b * t1(i)
t1(i) = temp
13 continue
* Computation of a beta for the polynomial.
r = 0.0
do 14 i = 1 , n
14 r = r + w(i) * t2(i) * t2(i)
beta(ii) = r / r0
r0 = r
b = beta(ii)
ii = ii + 1
go to 10
* Successful return.
15 ind1 = 1
* Error return. Set all c coefficients, alpha and beta to zero.
16 do 17 ii = 1 , k
c(ii) = 0.0
alpha(ii) = 0.0
beta(ii) = 0.0
17 continue
c(k+1) = 0.0
ind1 = -1
subroutine coefs(j,c,alpha,beta,kc,k1,a,t1,t2,t3,ind2)
* This subroutine computes the a coefficients for a
* polynomial of degree kc where kc is less than or
* equal fo k .
real c(k1),alpha(k1),beta(k1),a(k1),t1(k1),t2(k1),t3(k1)
* Program initialization.
kcj1 = kc - j + 1
if (kcj1 .le. 0) go to 9
b = 0.0
do 1 nn = 1 , kcj1
a(nn) = c(nn)
t1(nn) = 0.0
t2(nn) = 0.0
t3(nn) = 0.0
1 continue
if (kc .le. j) go to 5
ii = 2
* Begin computation.
2 t2(ii) = 1.0
do 3 nn = 2 , ii
t3(nn) = t2(nn-1) - t2(nn) * alpha(ii-1) - b * t1(nn)
a(nn-1) = a(nn-1) + c(ii) * t3(nn)
3 continue
if (ii .ge. kcj1) go to 5
* Reset the vectors for the next coefficient.
do 4 nn = 1 , ii
t1(nn) = t2(nn)
t2(nn) = t3(nn)
4 continue
b = beta(ii-1)
ii = ii + 1
go to 2
5 if (j .le. 0) go to 8
* Arrange coefficients properly if j is non zero.
do 6 nn = 1 , kcj1
n1 = kcj1 - nn + 1
n2 = n1 + j
a(n2) = a(n1)
6 continue
do 7 nn = 1 , j
7 a(nn) = 0.0
* Successful return
8 ind2 = 2
* Error return, set all a coefficients to zero
9 do 10 nn = 1 , kc
10 a(nn) = 0.0
a(kc+1) = 0.0
ind2 = -2
subroutine fity(xf,m,j,c,alpha,beta,kf,kf1,yf,t1,t2,ind3)
* This subroutine computes the fitted values for a
* given set of arguments with a polynomial of degree
* kf where kf is less than or equal to k.
real xf(m),c(kf1),alpha(kf1),beta(kf1),yf(m),t1(m),t2(m)
* Program initialization.
kfj1 = kf - j + 1
if (kfj1 .le. 0) go to 7
b = 0.0
do 2 i = 1 , m
yf(i) = 0.0
if (j .gt. 0) go to 1
t2(i) = 1.0
go to 2
1 t2(i) = xf(i)**j
2 t1(i) = 0.0
* Begin computation.
ii = 1
3 do 4 i = 1 , m
4 yf(i) = yf(i) + c(ii)*t2(i)
if (ii .ge. kfj1) go to 6
* Computation of new polynomial.
do 5 i = 1 , m
temp = t2(i)
t2(i) = (xf(i) - alpha(ii)) * t2(i) - b * t1(i)
t1(i) = temp
5 continue
b = beta(ii)
ii = ii + 1
go to 3
* successful return
6 ind3 = 3
* Error return. Set all fitted values equal to zero.
7 do 8 i = 1 , m
8 yf(i) = 0.0
ind3 = -3
subroutine pplot(n0,a,n,m,nm,nl,ns,nchar,lfn)
* Purpose -
* Plot several cross-variables versus a base
* variable in strip chart form. This is not
* a tidy program and may have bugs in the y-axis
* (looking sideways at the plot) labels. Main use
* was for quick looks at long strip chart like
* arrays of data. This program was evidently
* taken from an old IBM SSP package.
* Usage -
* call pplot(n0,a,n,m,nm,nl,ns,nchar,lfn)
* Arguments -
* n0 - Chart number (3 digits maximum)
* a - Matrix of data to be plotted. First
* column represents base variables and
* successive columns are the cross-variables
* (maximum is 9)
* n - Number of rows in matrix a
* m - Number of columns in matrix a
* (equal to the total number of variables)
* Maximum is 10
* nm - The total number of elements in a (usually n*m)
* nl - Number of lines in the plot. If 0 is
* specified, 50 lines are used
* ns - Code for sorting the base variable data
* in ascending order
* 0 sorting is not necessary (already in
* ascending order)
* 1 sorting is necessary
* nchar - Number of print positions available
* lfn - Logical file number for printed output
real ypr(11) , a(nm)
character blank , ang(9) , out(121) , point
1 format("1",20x,"CHART ",i3,/)
2 format(" ",f8.3,3x,111a1)
3 format(" ")
7 format(" ",11x,".",10(9x,a1))
8 format(" ",5x,11f10.4)
* Initialize Parameters
blank = " "
point = "."
do 5 i = 1 , 9
ang(i) = cnvi2c(i)
5 continue
nchars = nchar/10
nchars = 10*nchars
chars = nchars
fy = chars/10.0
ny = fy + 1.0
nt = nchars
nll = nl
* Perform sort or transposition as necessary
if (ns) 18 , 18 , 10
10 do 14 i = 1 , n
do 13 j = i , n
if ( a(i) - a(j)) 13 , 13 , 11
11 l = i - n
ll = j - n
do 12 k = 1 , m
l = l + n
ll = ll + n
f = a(l)
a(l) = a(ll)
a(ll) = f
12 continue
13 continue
14 continue
go to 18
* Test number of lines
18 if (nll) 20 , 19 , 20
19 nll = 50
20 write(lfn,1) n0
* Find scales for base and cross variables
xscal = (a(n)-a(1))/(float(nll-1))
m1 = n + 1
m2 = m*n
ymin = a(m1)
ymax = ymin
do 40 j = m1 , m2
if (a(j) - ymin) 26 , 28 , 28
26 ymin = a(j)
28 if (a(j) - ymax) 40 , 40 , 30
30 ymax = a(j)
40 continue
yscal = (ymax-ymin)/chars
min = ymin/(yscal*fy)
ynomin = fy*yscal*float(min)
if ( ymin .lt. ynomin ) ynomin = ynomin - fy*yscal
ymin = ynomin
ymax = ymin + chars*yscal
* Find base variable print position
xb = a(1)
half = xscal/2.0
l = 1
my = m - 1
do 80 i = 1 , nll
f = i - 1
xpr = xb + f*xscal
48 if ( a(l) .ge. xpr-half ) go to 49
* base variable too small
l = l + 1
go to 48
49 if ( a(l) .gt. xpr+half ) go to 70
* Find cross-variable
do 55 ix = 1 , nt
55 out(ix) = blank
do 60 j = 1 , my
ll = l + j*n
jp = ((a(ll)-ymin)/yscal) + 1.5
out(jp) = ang(j)
60 continue
* Print line and clear or skip
l = 1
write(lfn,2) xpr , ( out(iz),iz=1,nt)
l = l + 1
go to 80
70 write(lfn,3)
80 continue
* Print cross-variable numbers
write(lfn,7) (point,ip=1,ny)
ypr(1) = ymin
do 90 kn = 1 , ny-2
90 ypr(kn+1) = ypr(kn) + yscal*chars/(ny-1)
ypr(ny) = ymax
write(lfn,8) (ypr(ip),ip=1,ny)